A translational endeavor


The e-Lab is lead by Maxime Baud, neurologist and neuroscientist at the Department of Neurology, Bern University Hospital. Our vision is to deepen the neuroscientific understanding of epilepsy and to translate novel knowledge for human benefit. Our mission is to bring together talented researchers in neuroscience from different backgrounds that share the ambition to crack the most mysterious aspects of epilepsy. One unifying question we have is “why does a seizure occur at a particular moment in time ?”.

What we do

At the e-Lab, we study the neuroscience of epilepsy using a translational approach: from analysis of big data in epilepsy patients to neuronal manipulations in animal models of seizures.


We study the timing of seizures by controlling firing patterns of neurons using optogenetics


We strive to control seizures using EEG recordings and neurostimulation in a closed-loop design


We study the timing of seizures through chronic recordings of brain activity in epilepsy patients

Going deep into the scientific understanding
of a mysterious disease

Seizures Today

Hours of EEG

Lab Members

Contact Maxime Baud