Support to the e-Lab

The e-Lab thanks its generous donators without whom its endeavor to advance the field of epilepsy would not be possible. Support was obtained through competitive grants to Prof. Maxime Baud.


Swiss National Science Foundation 2018-ongoing

The Swiss National Science Foundation is a key funding agency for rodent and human neuroscience work carried out at the e-Lab.  Current support is in the form of an Eccellenza Professorship to Maxime Baud.


CSEM Centre Suisse d’électronique et de microtechnique 2024-ongoing

The CSEM is a key partner for medtech in Bern and currently funds a three-year project at the e-Lab to design closed-loop experiment to control seizures in mice.


CURE epilepsy Foundation 2023-ongoing

The CURE (Citizen United for Research in Epilepsy) Foundation is an American Foundation that supports the salary of Dr. Forrest Webler, through a is a key partner for medtech in Bern and currently funds a three-year project at the e-Lab to design closed-loop experiment to control seizures in mice.


National Institute of Health 2024-ongoing

The NIH, the main grant agency for medicine in the USA, is supporting a collaborative project led by Yale, of which UCSF and the University of Bern are sub-awardees.

Wyss Center for bio- and neuroengineering

Velux Stiftung 2019-2023

The Velux Stiftung generously supported our project “Day-night cycle in epilepsy” investigating the link between epilepsy and the circadian and sleep-wake cycles.

Wyss Center for bio- and neuroengineering

Wyss Center for bio- and neuro-engineering 2019-2022

The Wyss Center for bio- and neuro-engineering supported Marc Grau Leguia, a post-doctoral fellow at the e-Lab from 2019 to 2022. The Wyss center also sponsored the clinical trial at Inselspital of a sub-scalp chronic EEG device called Epios.

University of Bern, 2018, 2023

The University of Bern supported the e-Lab with an initiator (2018) and an inter-disciplinary grant (2023).

Inselspital – 2022-2023

The direction of research at Inselspital supported the e-Lab with a grant for the salary of Richard Burman, a post-doctoral fellow in the lab from 2022 to 2023.

Olga Mayen Fisch Foundation 2023

The Olga Mayen Fisch Foundation supported the lab with a grant in 2023.

Novartis Foundation 2019-2020

The Novartis Foundation supported the lab with a one-year grant for the salary of a PhD student. 

Contact Maxime Baud