People at the e-Lab
Neuroscientists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, biologists, physicists and engineers combine knowledge and know-how at the e-Lab to crack the mechanisms of cortical dynamics and epilepsy.

Lab retreat 2022 at the lake of Thun

Lab retreat 2024, in front of the Blüemlisalpgletscher
Prof. Maxime Baud, MD, PhD – Principal Investigator
Maxime obtained his PhD in sleep neuroscience from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, 2011). He completed a residency training in neurology at University of California San Francisco (UCSF, 2015), followed by a postdoctoral fellowship focusing on signal analysis of human intracranial EEG with Prof. Edward Chang. In addition to his role as the principal investigator at the e-Lab, Maxime is an attending epileptologist at the University Hospital of Bern. Maxime lives in Bern and loves to ski and hike in the Alps.

Active members

Camille Mignardot, PhD – Clinical and research engineer
Shani Folschweiller, PhD – Post-doctoral fellow
Shani obtained her master in Neuroscience at the university of Strasbourg and studied oscillations in the prefrontal cortex during her PhD in Freiburg-im-Breisgau. Since 2023, she aims to shed light on seizure dynamics using large scale electrophysiological recordings, optogenetics and advanced data processing techniques. Shani enjoys bouldering and painting.

Forrest Webler, PhD – Post-doctoral fellow
Forrest moved to Switzerland for his PhD at the EPFL after studying physics and biomedical engineering at Brown University. He is deeply passionate about forecasting the dynamics of the brain using physics-inspired approaches. His work at the e-Lab since 2023 focuses on developing seizure forecasting algorithms which will hopefully be used as a prognostic tool for clinicians. In his free time, Forrest builds saunas and occasionally goes sailing.
Monica Alexander – PhD student
Monica obtained her Medical Degree from Saudi Arabia and has joined the e-lab for her PhD in 2024. Her project at the e-Lab focuses on studying the neuronal dynamics and multidien cycle in mice with focal epilepsy. Monica loves the beach and reading.

Enrique Perez Martinez – PhD student
Enrique studied Biology in Madrid and Translational Neuroscience in Seville. At the e-Lab since 2022, Enrique studies the multi-scale cyclical modulation of seizure timing in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Enrique loves hiking (newly in the Alps !) and watching movies.
Patricia Silva – PhD student
Patrícia graduated in Biomedical Engineering with a master’s degree in Medical Electronics and worked as a research fellow at the University of Porto. Since 2024, she is a PhD student at the e-Lab, focusing on developing a closed-loop recording-stimulation system with real-time EEG monitoring to control physiological and pathological brain oscillations. In her free time, she enjoys knitting and reading.

Roland Widmer – PhD student
Roland Widmer joined the e-Lab in 2023 as a Master student in Data Science while working as a high-school teacher on the side. He left his job to do full time research at the lab as a PhD student. He is studying signaling dynamics in the human brain. Roland enjoys outdoor activities and nature.
Cecilia Friedrichs-Maeder, MD, MSc – Neurologist
Cecilia obtained her MD from the University of Lausanne and holds degrees in biomedical engineering (EPFL) and cognitive neuroscience (Radboud University Nijmegen and TU Berlin). After a post-doctoral fellowship at King’s college (Prof. M Richardson), she is now an attending neurologist at Inselspital Bern. She seeks practical means to measure cortical excitability in patients with epilepsy, such as to improve pharmacotherapy. Cecilia loves modern art and enjoys to swim and hike in the mountains.

Sabry Barlatey, MD, PhD – Neurosurgery resident
Sabry Barlatey obtained his MD at the University of Lausanne, followed by a MD-PhD in spinal cord repair at EPFL (Prof. Courtine). As a resident in Neurosurgery at the University Hospital of Bern, Sabry collaborates with the e-lab to image and model the propagation of seizures. Alpine sports and cycling are his main side-activities.
Katharina Wohler, MD – Neurology resident
Katharina obtained her MD from the University of Basel and her medical doctoral title (Dr. med.) in neuropediatrics. She is currently a neurology resident at Inselspital Bern. Her current research concerns the periodicity of seizures using ultra-long term subscalp EEG-monitoring. Katharina enjoys nature and loves to dance.

Kristina Slabeva, PhD
Master, then PhD student 2018 – 2024
Ellen Van Maren, PhD
PhD student 2019 – 2024
Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland
Grégory Lepeu, MD, PhD
PhD student 2018 – 2023
Resident in Neurology
CHUV – University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Richard Burman, MD, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow 2022 – 2023
Resident in medicine and neurosurgery
University Hospital of Cape Town, South Africa
Marc Grau Leguia, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow 2019 – 2022
Research associate in statistics
University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain
Lab collaborators

Timothée Proix, PhD
University of Geneva
Timothée Proix is a senior research associate in computational neuroscience at the University of Geneva. We collaborate on the development of models of seizure dynamics, with the goal of better forecasting seizures.
Vikram Rao, MD, PhD
University of California San Francisco
Vikram Rao is an associate Professor of clinical neurology and the head of epileptology at UCSF. Through our collaboration since 2016, we have characterized the multiscale cycles that govern the occurrence of epileptic seizures. Building on this discovery, we continue to develop methods for personalized seizure forecasting.

Päivi Nevalainen, MD, PhD
University Hospital of Helsinki
Päivi is an Adjunct Professor in Clinical Neurophysiology at the University Hospital of Helsinki, Finland. In 2024, Päivi spent six months as a visiting scholar at the e-Lab to help move the analysis of intracranial EEG data forward. We continue collaborating on the theme of mesio-temporal epilepsy.
Lino Nobili, MD, PhD
University of Genova
Lino is a full Professor of pediatric neuro-psychiatry, a renowned epileptologist, and the head of the PhD program in Neuroscience at the University of Genova. Our collaboration covers the analysis of intracranial EEG to understand the interplay between sleep oscillations and epileptic discharges.

Gabriele Arnulfo, PhD
University of Genova
Gabriele is associate Professor at the department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and system engineering (DIBRIS) of the University of Genova, specialized in signal analysis. We collaborate on analysis of intracranial EEG at large scale.